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If you are thinking of moving to Jersey as a High Net Worth Individual or relocating with a business, you will need to apply for the appropriate permission from the Government of Jersey.

There is a comprehensive and robust application process for both routes to residency and you can find out more about which route is best for you, how to apply and the criteria for application from Locate Jersey, the Government of Jersey team with responsibility for inward investment.

The Locate Jersey team will make the process as seamless as possible. They can also act as a point of contact for other government departments and can signpost you to other relevant organisations as appropriate.

We also strongly recommend that you speak to a corporate services provider such as a lawyer or qualified tax specialist to discuss your specific circumstances and ensure that you have all the relevant and appropriate advice and guidance before making an application to relocate.

We can liaise with your agent and help the process go as smoothly as possible.

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